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In tune with nature


Tailings pond area is an area of very high conservation and zoological value

A tailings pond is a man-made pond created in mining for the clarification of sediments from the processing of mineral raw materials.

Our tailings ponds in Stuhlfelden have been in operation since 1982 and are still in operation today. June 10th, 2021, the BH Zell am See Umwelt und Forst conducted an inspection of our clarification pond system. We are proud of the results of this on-site inspection and would like to share it. Here is an excerpt from the report:

“The inspection revealed that the landfill site in question is, seen from a nature conservation and zoological viewpoint, a very high-quality area. The habitat composition which has arisen here in a secondary manner as a result of the activities on the landfill site offers, thanks to the extensive area and is dynamic, special locations for numerous plant and animal species which are today hardly found in “normal landscabes.”

We are very pleased that our efforts to work with nature are bearing fruit. The importance of biodiversity is enormous, as it is fundamental to the functioning of ecosystems and thus to the survival of humans and nature.

It is therefore of great importance to protect and preserve biodiversity, and that is what we are doing!

Giving time and joy

Giving time and joy

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